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Barry Crimmins

words to live near



Classic Crimmins Quips Saturday, January 1, 2000

An angry audience member asked, "If you don't love this country, why don't you get out?"

Barry replied, "Because I don't want to be victimized by its foreign policy."


I'm a proponent of gun control. For those of you in the National Rifle Association, "proponent" means I'm in favor of gun control.


If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Fine - - part of their job.


Actual statement heard on talk radio: "I'm sick and tired of turning on the television and seeing all those lesbians that want abortions."


The Pentagon's so greedy it has an extra side on its building.


Martin Luther King Day is my favorite holiday for two reasons:

1- it honors a great person

2- it annoys bigots to no end


Marijuana is a very dangerous drug. Some people smoke it just once and go directly into politics.


There's a nickel's worth of difference between Democrats and Republicans. If you put a nickel on the table, a Democrat will steal it from you.. and a Republican will kill you for it.


Actual exchange between Barry and another American in a bar in Managua, Nicaragua in 1988:

American: Walk around these streets and tell me how these people can live this way.

Barry: I'm pretty sure it's because we have most of their stuff.


I'm opposed to nuclear power. I hate it when it takes 200,000 years to put out the garbage


They aren't "Nuclear Power Plants." They're "Nuclear Waste Production Facilities."


He isn't "President George W. Bush", he's "Court-appointed President George W. Bush."


The Drug War- where Jim Crow meets Joe McCarthy.


Has anyone noticed how the more bag men there are, the more bag ladies there are?


To its everlasting shame, America would rather create veterans than care for them.


The environment is screwed up but you can still have fun. I'm going brown-water rafting this summer.


The New Right is the Old Wrong.


Barry explains that his hometown's name "Skaneateles" is an Indian word that means "beautiful lake surrounded by fascists."


When Barry mentioned that he had done several AIDS benefits some of his old hometown acquaintances pulled him aside and asked, "You're not a queer are you?"

Barry replied, "I'm whatever threatens you. I'm a Communist with AIDS and I bite!"


Richard Nixon is like herpes -- just when you think he's gone, he flares up again.


Ronald Reagan: "I will not negotiate with terrorists-either they take the weapons or they don't. These prices are firm!"


The USA has moved so far to the right that the next New Hampshire Primary will be held in the Atlantic Ocean.


I don't like Florida, I have a problem with any state where the electric chair only goes to 'medium high."


There's a "struggle for the soul of the Republican Party?" What are they using? Tweezers and an electron microscope?

1975-2002 Barry Crimmins