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Barry Crimmins

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Quips & Comments 4-17-02 Wednesday, April 17, 2002

The White House continues to spin like a runaway Maytag concerning its role in the failed Venezuelan overthrow of Hugo Chavez. Ari Fleischer now admits that although the court-appointed president did discuss coups with some Venezuelans, he only did so because he thought the delegation consisted of vintage automobile buff.

The short version of Ari Fleischer's comments on the Venezuelan coup: Just because we overthrew our government doesn't mean we think everyone else should overthrow theirs. And besides Otto Reich gave them the standard Mission Impossible disclaimer about how the director would disavow any knowledge of their activities should they be caught.

The Venezuelan traitors must learn that coups are tricky business and take time. For instance, the Republicans began attempting to overthrow Bill Clinton and Al Gore before they were inaugurated in 1993 and it wasn't until late 2000 that they finally succeeded in subverting the will of the American people.

The Court-appointed Bush Administration's International Quisling Coordinator Condasleeza Rice has admonished restored Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to "respect constitutional processes." Chavez says he will comply and serve out his term of office.

There are fewer bagmen at a Scottish battle of the bands than were seen coming and going from the US embassy in Caracas over the past several months. Court-appointed Bush Administration officials claim these people weren't planning the coup during their visits. They all just happened to be landfill operators who were picking up excess Florida ballots they had contracted to dispose.

In Venezuela, through inference, action and inaction, W, the avowed enemy of "evildoers," prodded and propped up the "evildidders."

It will take a long time for all the truth to come out concerning US-backing of the Venezuelan coup -- particularly in these days of the Patriot 2001 Bill which would be better labeled "The Repression of Information Act."

Chavez has had the nerve to keep his oil prices in line with those of the other OPEC nations, speak out against US-backed death squad activity in Colombia, question the purity of George W. Bush's Purported War on Terror and maintain relations with nearby neighbor Cuba. In other words, he may be safe in Venezuela but if he plans to travel he best avoid layovers in Miami.

In a Saturday editorial, the New York Times referred to the actions some took to help overthrow Hugo Chavez as "encouraging development" and "civic participation." Imagine how the current Times editorial board would have gushed over Germany's Brownshirts civic participation in their country's affairs several decades back.

Or else we could just look at its editorial support for Ariel Sharon, the nearly human embodiment of the principle that if we aren't thoughtful, we become what we resist.

The only way the NY Times' William Safire could be any more supportive of Ariel Sharon is if he personally started bulldozing Palestinian homes.

The demolition of homes, with Palestinians inside the buildings, demonstrates that the Sharon government really does not understand the meaning of the word "occupied."Mississippi Judge Connie Wilkerson says he believes homosexuals should be sent to mental institutions. They better get there quickly before the mental institutions fill up with Mississippi judges.

Wilkerson could be just the man Bush has been looking for to fill the federal judicial slot left empty by the Senate rejection of Charles Pickering.

That would save Dubyahoo the trouble of going from mental institution to mental institution to look for Pickering's replacement.

During the Space Race, Corning developed nose-cones for rockets and space capsules. Now that it's laid off a large portion of its work force, its stock has plummeted and its CEO has taken an early retirement perhaps it should look into development of the nose-dive cone.

2002 Barry Crimmins
