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Barry Crimmins

words to live near



CrimQuips 9-23-02 Monday, September 23, 2002

Commentary by Barry Crimmins

Last week German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's justice minister, Herta Däubler-Gmelin said of W's bloodlust for Iraq : "Bush wants to divert attention from his domestic problems. It's a classic tactic. It's one that Hitler also used." Schröder immediately apologized for Däubler-Gmelin's tactless use of a completely accurate assessment of the court-appointed president.

Maybe it is silly. After all, why would a German be familiar with Hitler's tactics?

Besides, what does Bush have to distract us from at home other than the dismal economy, corporate corruption that has beaten an oily trail to the Oval Office, a far from complete investigation of White House 9/11 responsibility or irresponsibility, a Justice Department that doesn't know the meaning of the word....

Considering his wanton disdain for civil liberties, John Ashcroft should transferred to the "Brought to Justice Department."

Liddy Dole is attempting to make Bill Clinton the issue in her North Carolina senate race vs. Erskine Bowles. I guess she feels if losing to Clinton is good for the ganderthen it's good for the goose.

You don't suppose Ariel Sharon took advantage of W's bleating on Iraq to preemptively destroy Yasser Arafat's headquarters, do you?

That's what happens -- when one country gets too permissive with police state tactics and too dismissive of international law, all the others decide they can do it, too.

That's the problem with this world, it's getting to be much too permissive towards police and militarists.

Permissive attitudes towards the police are causing a real breakdown in our society. Particularly of its doors.

Kaiser Ashcroft has come out in support of Sharon's destruction of Arafat's compound because he heard there was a pretty good chance there could have been a stash of lethal medical marijuana secreted somewhere on the property.

Imagine all the human rights offenses Sharon will be able to hide if and when Bush provides him with a several billion dollar smokescreen in Iraq.

This just in: Gerhard Schröder has won reelection in Germany, thanks in no small part to W providing him with the opportunity to appear sane and lucid by applying simple reason to Bush's inane battle cry.

Of course the absentee ballots from Florida have yet to be counted so perhaps it's premature for Schröder to celebrate.

Bush is said to be livid with Schröder. Not only did the German Chancellor take a sane and sound stand against W's malicious plan to unilaterally attack Iraq but then he had to go out and really show up the court-appointed presidents by winning an election.

According to German election analysts, the only person who could beat Schröder at this point is Herta Däubler-Gmelin.

Schröder's victory could lead to big things. Maybe even Democrats will take his lead and begin to provide the American people with articulate rejoinder to Bush's loopy positions.

If it can be demonstrated how much Bush sucks through use of the complicated German language, imagine how easy it would be to do it in English.

Even Bush can demonstrate how much he sucks through the use of English and he does whenever he attempts to use the language.

W's recent struggle with the "Fool me once" cliche in Tennessee could have been avoided if he'd just truncated the quote to the much more accurate phrase: "Fool, Me."

Fool us ever and we'd have to be total morons, W.

The math inherent in the "Fool Me Once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" cliche was just too complex for W to master.

Dennis Rodman will be driving his car off a cliff in a new FOX show: " When Washed Up Celebrities Drive Their Cars Off Of Cliffs." It probably won't do well. Bush has driven the entire nation off a cliff and Americans have barely paid attention.

Northwest Airlines has just instituted a policy of deducting 20% of health insurance costs from its employees' paychecks. One shudders to estimate what the workers would have been forced to pay had taxpayers not forked over billions to Northwest to help keep it afloat.

No wonder Northwest's pilots drink so much.

Northwest Airlines -- Now with 97% more sober pilots!

Northwest plans to improve that sobriety stat by making sure that none of their employees take home enough money to subsidize any sort of alcohol problem.



I've received a few negative responses to my digs at Eunice Stone/Gladys Kravitz, the Georgia woman whose report triggered an Islamic remake of The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! in Florida last week. Although I respect the people who wrote me, I am unmoved by their arguments. Granted Stone was provoked to hysteria by the court-appointed Bush Administration's color-coded mandated paranoia. Still, her continued failure to budge an inch even after the men she accused were demonstrated to be anything but terrorists is unacceptable. She owes a lot of people an apology. And her "Hey, some members of my family are involved with people of other races so I couldn't possibly be a racist or xenophobe" is just another version of the old "some of my best friends" alibi which is inevitably employed to express bigoted views.

This woman is responsible for getting played by an administration that would much rather have us looking at distracting shiny-colored warnings than its own corrupt and illegitimate reign. The Bushcists prefer we spend the day tuned to a lapdog media that passes along absurd and unconfirmed reports. I suppose we should be grateful that more people don't crack up from hearing things like:"The FBI has detonated a piece of terrorist luggage in Alligator Alley!" or "an attack on Miami is imminent!" or "their plan is to blow up the Turkey Point nuke plant!" Local, network and cable news stations and newspapers and periodicals serve us a corporate party line that is masticated by mother bird media and regurgitated down the public throat.

I'm tired of being French-puked by a corporate media that is responsible for fomenting panic, promoting war and almost never using the public airways for the public good. If they want to scare us, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to do so. None of them have anything to do with bogeymen in bad restaurants. In-depth coverage of the continued fascist efforts by the court-appointed Bush administration to turn the once somewhat free nation of the United States into a full-fledged police state should be enough to startle everyone and give the cable news networks a ratings booster shot in the process. It wouldn't take much of an investigative reporter to reveal that the most serious enemy of America is within.... the Court-appointed Bush Administration. But it's still the most important story of the day. And that's no joke

© 2002 Barry Crimmins