political satirist Barry Crimmins
Iowa vs. Iowa St. Thursday, February 7, 2008

I was thinking of my friend Chris Byrne as I was watching the Super Tuesday returns. He views American elections as battles between Iowa and Iowa State. You don't really care about the outcome and it doesn't much matter who wins.
Chris has an amazing band (Celtic punk funk hip hop reggae, like I said, amazing): Seanchai and the Unity Squad (pronounced Shann a key) and a great bar, Rocky Sullivan's of Red Hook
I just found this video of Seanchai on YouTube
It beats watching Iowa and Iowa St.
To see Seanchai and the Unity Squad Live, go to Rocky Sullivan's of Red Hook Saturdays at 9 p.m. And if you're not near Brooklyn, go to seanchi.com and check out their music (buy some, too!)
Chris has an amazing band (Celtic punk funk hip hop reggae, like I said, amazing): Seanchai and the Unity Squad (pronounced Shann a key) and a great bar, Rocky Sullivan's of Red Hook
I just found this video of Seanchai on YouTube
It beats watching Iowa and Iowa St.
To see Seanchai and the Unity Squad Live, go to Rocky Sullivan's of Red Hook Saturdays at 9 p.m. And if you're not near Brooklyn, go to seanchi.com and check out their music (buy some, too!)