political satirist Barry Crimmins
Sanitation Sunday Sunday, April 6, 2008

Some quick catching up to do today. First, I send profound sympathy to the Beverly Hills mortician who got stuck on gun-clawing duty last night.
Second, I must say I've been unfair to Senator Clinton. I can see how she's a natural choice for working people now that we know the Clintons have somehow managed to scrape by on an income over the past seven years that's only in the low nine-figures.
I spent m Saturday evening dooming UCLA by rooting for them in the Final Four. The problem with the Kansas-North Carolina game that followed was someone was going to win. Kansas did and so they're now set to face Memphis in the championship game. I'll root for Memphis in hopes that a win by Elvis' hometown team will brighten the golden years of sanitation workers who are veterans of the 1968 struggle that led to the
Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. I trust they have a decent pension.
All in all I'd have been better off eschewing hoops last night and doing as James Wolcott did by watching All About Eve on TCM. Wolcott, always a joy to read, is a KO artist when it comes to film. He got food poisoning last week and was helpless to do anything but watch movies, causing him to, uh, project another cinematic gem our way. And I'm not just saying this because I'm now sending him form thank-you notes for linking to this website.
Speaking of MLK, Tom Duffy at the Garlic broke exciting news concerning the off-again/on-again relationship between John McCain and MLK.
While were discussing scoops, Dennis Perrin is at his hilarious best announcing John McCain's long-anticipated choice of campaign mascot. He also brought us a brilliant combination of news and sports from exotic Detroit in another stellar post from a few days ago.
If you'd like to meditate on something important and thoughtful, I can do no better than send you my friend Rob Payne's way for this moving indictment of the madness of war.
I have outdoor chores to get done. And oh yeah, your surprise is coming. Scooter of acksis of evil along with legendary subversive mastermind Otis McClay are helping me overcome monumental technical ineptitude. The promised land is in sight and there will be an announcement either later today or first thing tomorrow.
PS- Thanks for the kind replies concerning Lloyd. I really am fine, I just think of him always and I write what I think.

Second, I must say I've been unfair to Senator Clinton. I can see how she's a natural choice for working people now that we know the Clintons have somehow managed to scrape by on an income over the past seven years that's only in the low nine-figures.
I spent m Saturday evening dooming UCLA by rooting for them in the Final Four. The problem with the Kansas-North Carolina game that followed was someone was going to win. Kansas did and so they're now set to face Memphis in the championship game. I'll root for Memphis in hopes that a win by Elvis' hometown team will brighten the golden years of sanitation workers who are veterans of the 1968 struggle that led to the

All in all I'd have been better off eschewing hoops last night and doing as James Wolcott did by watching All About Eve on TCM. Wolcott, always a joy to read, is a KO artist when it comes to film. He got food poisoning last week and was helpless to do anything but watch movies, causing him to, uh, project another cinematic gem our way. And I'm not just saying this because I'm now sending him form thank-you notes for linking to this website.
Speaking of MLK, Tom Duffy at the Garlic broke exciting news concerning the off-again/on-again relationship between John McCain and MLK.
While were discussing scoops, Dennis Perrin is at his hilarious best announcing John McCain's long-anticipated choice of campaign mascot. He also brought us a brilliant combination of news and sports from exotic Detroit in another stellar post from a few days ago.
If you'd like to meditate on something important and thoughtful, I can do no better than send you my friend Rob Payne's way for this moving indictment of the madness of war.
I have outdoor chores to get done. And oh yeah, your surprise is coming. Scooter of acksis of evil along with legendary subversive mastermind Otis McClay are helping me overcome monumental technical ineptitude. The promised land is in sight and there will be an announcement either later today or first thing tomorrow.
PS- Thanks for the kind replies concerning Lloyd. I really am fine, I just think of him always and I write what I think.