political satirist Barry Crimmins
Upcoming Presidential Debate Schedule Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The National Association of Manufacturers Bagman Debates
Democrats: Oct 12
Indianapolis, Indiana
Republicans: Oct 11, 13,14 16, 19, 21, 25, 30
various undisclosed locations
The Limousine Liberal Condo-flipper Democratic Debate
October 17, 2007
Grand Hall Center of Conspicuous Consumption
1A Park Avenue NY, NY
NOTE: Black Tie please
League of Nonpartisan Republican Born Agains GOP Debate
Oct 20, 2007
Where: Death to Islamofascists Christian Ministry Pavilion
Anal Roberts University
Scrotum Neck,. Al.
Subject: Abortion doctors: death penalty or life imprisonment?
The Heilnet.org Republican Skinhead Debate (in cooperation with the National Association of Prison Guards)
Where: The field them good lynchin' trees is near Earl's place
Upper Uncle Dad, Montana
When: Next full moon
Note: Original moderator Larry Craig will be replaced by the Reverend Fred Phelps
Essence Token Gesture Democratic Debate
Nov 4, 2007
New Orleans, La (providing we can find a structurally sound venue)
League of Liberal Electronic Activists
Nov 19, 2007
Where: H8_W_43's parent's basement
When: Next time they go out to dinner
NOTE: No disagreements between Democrats will be permitted at this debate
League of Women Voters: Hey what happened to us Democratic, Republican or anyone who will have us debate
When: How soon can you get here?
Where: Or we could come over there, come on, we have fried cakes and cider!
The Amalgamated Brotherhood of Union Lip-servicers Democratic Debate
Nov 19, 2007
On a curb somewhere in Detroit
Moderator: Al Fresco
The Huffpo Democratic Debate
Nov 24 2007
The Old Plantation Auction Block
Indentured, Mississippi
Moderator: Arianna Huffington
Note: No Paid Media will be issued credentials
April 23, 2008
The NAACP Republican Debate
Cancelled: due to scheduling conflict
May 11, 2008
The NOW Republican Debate
Cancelled due to scheduling conflict
June 2, 2008
Grand Old Poofters Log Cabin Club Debate
Main Mezzanine Level Men's Rest Facility
Union Station
Washington, D.C.
Note: Debate will be conducted entirely in hand signals and toe taps
The National Association of Manufacturers Bagman Debates
Democrats: Oct 12
Indianapolis, Indiana
Republicans: Oct 11, 13,14 16, 19, 21, 25, 30
various undisclosed locations
The Limousine Liberal Condo-flipper Democratic Debate
October 17, 2007
Grand Hall Center of Conspicuous Consumption
1A Park Avenue NY, NY
NOTE: Black Tie please
League of Nonpartisan Republican Born Agains GOP Debate
Oct 20, 2007
Where: Death to Islamofascists Christian Ministry Pavilion
Anal Roberts University
Scrotum Neck,. Al.
Subject: Abortion doctors: death penalty or life imprisonment?
The Heilnet.org Republican Skinhead Debate (in cooperation with the National Association of Prison Guards)
Where: The field them good lynchin' trees is near Earl's place
Upper Uncle Dad, Montana
When: Next full moon
Note: Original moderator Larry Craig will be replaced by the Reverend Fred Phelps
Essence Token Gesture Democratic Debate
Nov 4, 2007
New Orleans, La (providing we can find a structurally sound venue)
League of Liberal Electronic Activists
Nov 19, 2007
Where: H8_W_43's parent's basement
When: Next time they go out to dinner
NOTE: No disagreements between Democrats will be permitted at this debate
League of Women Voters: Hey what happened to us Democratic, Republican or anyone who will have us debate
When: How soon can you get here?
Where: Or we could come over there, come on, we have fried cakes and cider!
The Amalgamated Brotherhood of Union Lip-servicers Democratic Debate
Nov 19, 2007
On a curb somewhere in Detroit
Moderator: Al Fresco
The Huffpo Democratic Debate
Nov 24 2007
The Old Plantation Auction Block
Indentured, Mississippi
Moderator: Arianna Huffington
Note: No Paid Media will be issued credentials
April 23, 2008
The NAACP Republican Debate
Cancelled: due to scheduling conflict

May 11, 2008
The NOW Republican Debate
Cancelled due to scheduling conflict
June 2, 2008
Grand Old Poofters Log Cabin Club Debate
Main Mezzanine Level Men's Rest Facility
Union Station
Washington, D.C.
Note: Debate will be conducted entirely in hand signals and toe taps