Zorro Tolerance Friday, June 20, 2008

The legend of Randy Credico, my crusading friend who plays the role of Zorro to undercover NYPD marijuana narcs' Sgt. Garcia, continues to spread. This morning, the ever effervescent and erudite Ellis Henican enlightened the 400,000 readers of am New York to the story of Credico's arrest by the no-necked crusaders. And Greenwich Village's own publication, The Villager, features a detailed account of the takedown and incarceration of this menace to the police state.

Enjoy the photos of these undercover cops with the Marine buzzcuts and Go Army backpacks. These stealthy masters of disguise sure do know how to blend in! And easy on the eyes, too!
Judging by the body language of the actual Boys in Blue, you'd almost guess they were sick of having to follow these stealthy detectives around to clean up their Mickey Mouse droppings.
It sure is an honor to give these oft-overlooked cogs in the machine some publicity. Don't you just feel safer knowing they're out there?
All photos courtesy Margaret Ratner Kunstler -. (except Zorro, courtesy of the Federales)

The Fieldhands have started an online petition to demand that Al Giordano be granted credentials at the Democratic National Convention. Of course Giordano already earned the credentials by turning the blog Rural Votes into the must read blog of the 2008 presidential campaign. Unfortunately Al's convention clearance is ticketed through Rural Votes and the silence with which it has responded to calls to do the right thing has become more deafening with each passing day. I signed the petition and I hope you do as well. Remember, you can't spell "Credential" without "AL."
If others in the blog world are covering the Rural Votes/ Field dispute, I'd like to see it. The bait and switch game that seems to be going on at Rural Votes certainly could make people very leery about participating in anything they're asked to do on the internet. It would also seem that it would behoove other nonprofits to exact some influence on Rural Votes before the distrust that organization's actions (and inactions) have provoked spreads beyond the Massachusetts-based project. So come on blogosphere, make some noise!
By the way, please spread the word of the new location and url of The Field. There are still people who don't know what happened and they sure aren't about to find out by clicking the old url, where any mention of the Field's new location or Giordano is instantly purged. How Democratic!

FAIR has chimed in on Tim Russert's legacy and it is a column well worth reading.
Dennis Perrin's new book Savage Mules is about to hit the stands. It's a must-read, particularly for anyone who thinks that simply electing Democrats will solve all of our problems. You can pre-order it at all your favorite book sellers. It should be available next week.
If Barack Obama wants to stand on firmer ground concerning campaign financing then I suggest he eschew "bundled" money (dough raised by fat cats from other fat cats and bundled together) and simply scrimp by on the tens of millions of dollars in small donations that have already made his campaign a precedent shattering success story.
And John McCain should understand that the reason Obama isn't as hesitant about raising funds as he is is because Obama doesn't have the stench of Keating Five money all over him.

Finally -- I promise, promise, promise to get some of your photos of decaying America up this weekend. I apologize for the delay.

Enjoy the photos of these undercover cops with the Marine buzzcuts and Go Army backpacks. These stealthy masters of disguise sure do know how to blend in! And easy on the eyes, too!
Judging by the body language of the actual Boys in Blue, you'd almost guess they were sick of having to follow these stealthy detectives around to clean up their Mickey Mouse droppings.
It sure is an honor to give these oft-overlooked cogs in the machine some publicity. Don't you just feel safer knowing they're out there?
All photos courtesy Margaret Ratner Kunstler -. (except Zorro, courtesy of the Federales)

The Fieldhands have started an online petition to demand that Al Giordano be granted credentials at the Democratic National Convention. Of course Giordano already earned the credentials by turning the blog Rural Votes into the must read blog of the 2008 presidential campaign. Unfortunately Al's convention clearance is ticketed through Rural Votes and the silence with which it has responded to calls to do the right thing has become more deafening with each passing day. I signed the petition and I hope you do as well. Remember, you can't spell "Credential" without "AL."
If others in the blog world are covering the Rural Votes/ Field dispute, I'd like to see it. The bait and switch game that seems to be going on at Rural Votes certainly could make people very leery about participating in anything they're asked to do on the internet. It would also seem that it would behoove other nonprofits to exact some influence on Rural Votes before the distrust that organization's actions (and inactions) have provoked spreads beyond the Massachusetts-based project. So come on blogosphere, make some noise!
By the way, please spread the word of the new location and url of The Field. There are still people who don't know what happened and they sure aren't about to find out by clicking the old url, where any mention of the Field's new location or Giordano is instantly purged. How Democratic!

FAIR has chimed in on Tim Russert's legacy and it is a column well worth reading.
Dennis Perrin's new book Savage Mules is about to hit the stands. It's a must-read, particularly for anyone who thinks that simply electing Democrats will solve all of our problems. You can pre-order it at all your favorite book sellers. It should be available next week.
If Barack Obama wants to stand on firmer ground concerning campaign financing then I suggest he eschew "bundled" money (dough raised by fat cats from other fat cats and bundled together) and simply scrimp by on the tens of millions of dollars in small donations that have already made his campaign a precedent shattering success story.
And John McCain should understand that the reason Obama isn't as hesitant about raising funds as he is is because Obama doesn't have the stench of Keating Five money all over him.

Finally -- I promise, promise, promise to get some of your photos of decaying America up this weekend. I apologize for the delay.